Distracted Walking

Distracted walking accidents are a growing concern for both new and experienced drivers.  Not only do you have to be aware of what other cars are doing on the road, you also have to watch for distracted walkers.  They are looking at their cell phones rather than being careful about oncoming traffic.  There were over 6000 pedestrian fatalities both in 2017 and in 2016 according to the Governors High Safety Association.

Tips for Drivers:

Look for other drivers who are using cell phones when driving and give them extra space.

Watch out for walkers who are on the phone or plugged into devices and are not paying attention.

Be aware that walkers may jay walk or dash out into the street at any time.

Give an extra few seconds when the light changes to give walkers a chance to make the other side.

Slow down around congested areas like shopping centers or schools and watch out for groups of people not paying attention to the traffic.


Tips for Walkers:

Don’t use a cell phone when walking.  If you have to take a call, stop and move to a save place out of traffic and away from other walkers.

Look left, right, and left again before moving into and then crossing the street.

Even if you are in a cross walk, be aware of the drivers—they might not see you.

Don’t walk near traffic wearing headphones.

Take responsibility for your own safety.

Cross at marked street crossing lanes—even if it means walking down to the light to cross and obey the Walk and Don’t Walk signals.

If you’re walking at night, wear reflective gear that will make you more visible to drivers.

Stay back on the curb when waiting to cross, cars may make a sharp turn and hit you if you are too close.

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